
so I took a light jogging around Jaya Prakash Park..
FYI, India has its own obstacle..Here, if you take a road, you will be exposed to powder of dust
which is by all means can be really vital for yourself
Yet then, the other road is only the red-mud soil, Step on it, then you'll be traced with red discoloration all over the shirts haha
Getting dirty?
Oh that's not a big deal
And I'm jogged all over it..burning out some distorted fat!
30 minutes...fuh!Im one healthy man
45 minutes...huk2!Im OK then
1hour 3minutes...kebabOOm!Seize already!hhoho
My limitation..I thought so
Eyes were looking eagerly, at some point wanted some beverage to quench the thirst
I looked over ice-cream stall..colurful ice-creams were murmuring in my head
So I took the ice-cream instead of plain water!haha
Burning out some fat, then taking inner fat replacement
FAt..Fat...Fat! my enemy of the state haha
At least
of licking the blessful ice-cream...
In my way home...My glance put me into some extent
where goes my heart melted
I looked over some beggars...there were none 1 but 10!
hanging around picked up some leftovers in garbages..
the little one-fine girl was begging everywhere in search for money
in search with pityful face..
I may not seem good at analyzing one heart
but trust me, If you ever thinking about this everyone will be bloated with tears
In Malaysia..beggars can be found..but not this huge of them
In India...Beggers easily found..with all ages..
pity to young ones, there are about to know the world'inside..sooner
yet they have to go through this too
If we are in their shoes, can we really FEEL THAT PASSION?
I think..If that happens..
There must be really oughtful crying, instead of overheard laughter..
There must be really lots of empty stomach, instead of happily tummy..
There must be dreadful dying rate, instead of increasing birth rate..
In the end..May I have the will to live at once?
i've never think to put myself in those beggars shoes. coz I just can't do it for the fear that it'll break my emotinal defense
if only u give chance..
why not?
doesnt mean in state 'begging' sgt pn..
juz for mercy-matter jew hehe
if aku jd that beggars la kn..
mabe,instead of cari mknn kt celah2 sampah,aku maybe g carik rumah org2 kaya,mntak kerja n diorg..
susah2 sgt,g je carik rumah dak2 medik yg study kt ims ni..
mintak jd maid.insyaAllah dpt la kot..
btw,hari tu aku di serbu seorang beggar ni,dia bawak mainan and belon.and asked me to buy it.i wondered,mane dia dpt duit nk beli mainan & belon tu eh?pernah tak terfikir ttg tu?ke aku yg lembab carik jwpn nya?
owh ayam
bernas sgguh mata fikiranmu itu
kala gitu.
haruslah bangkrup kami suma studnet ni hah
n xperlukot maid
pemalas haram jadah sgt ke med2 student ni?haha
about ur curiosity tu kan..
em quite ssh gak nk crik jwpn tu hehe
myb someday...
ble aku da pndai berbhs kannada
aku tnya depa na?hohoh =p
nk beli mknan pon xdak duit..
ni kan nk sewa maid..
aku pon xmau ar ayam maid2 ni..
mak aku pon xamek bibik..hoho..
eyh yam..ang mmpunyai pemikiran sama dgn aku..
aku pon pelik jgak cena depa bley ada duit beli suma bnda2 tu...
ada org kata depa tlg org juai..
xtaula apakah yg sbnarnya..
ang tgkla slumdog millionaire weyh..
kdg2 beggar ni sindiket ja..
sama ja kat msia p0n...
kcian bdk2 ni..
kalau nk bg p0n...
nnT bkn dpt kat depa..
dpt kat org atasn..
so kalau nk bg xyah bg duit..
bg bnda len...=P
ouh ayuni..
adakah aku patut bawak kek batik dan beri kpd mereka?
bukan budak med pemalas,tp cme nk senangkan kerja..
erm klo psl sindiket tu
lame da la gak kte dgr
but klo even klo sindeket sklipn
klo dorg xdpt kutip pape..
dorg ttp kene belasah gak kan?huhuh
payahnye idop ni ya
bwk kek batik?wah2 seemangt la ko bwk..bkn senang kot nk buat dan bwk
klo cmtu soh maid kau belajr wt kek batik la wehhoho
aku ade resipi kek batek
kunjungilah bl0g aku
btw, psl sindiket 2
2 hal di0rg
s l0ng s we d0 our part is enuff
sumtimes kesian gak tgk mrk2 ni
n bygkn we r in their sh0es
tp depends pd diri sniri nk bg ke x
klu aku jln ngn uniq
kami slalu gak jumpe mrk
tp uniq x bg aku bg duit kat mrk sbb mmg btol p0n mrk ni sindiket
jd aku p0n SENYUM jelah ngn snyuman manis
bkn kah snyuman itu suatu sedekah??
psl maid lak
fyi, kat pratam ni walaup0n rmh dak2 ims ade 4 buah je
tp sume gune maid
maklumlah rmh kami kan bsr dan chanteq
seramai2 8 0rg h0usem8 xmampu bwat
jd kami upah lah maid
sng keje
haha baiklah cempaka
sudahku lawat resepi mu itu
cuma masa mencemburui daku utk mencoba membina kek batik itu
maid yg dimaksudkn tu DK kew?
aduhai korg
As long as u believe in what u call rezki...
U'll feel the passion to keep on going n live the life u live..as long as it takes....(ape byk live ni??)
even u dont even have even 1 cent in ur pockets..
sound dramatic but it's true.....
Btw, Good luck in exam people..:D
ngh ketakutan la ni mis eira
xtau ape yg kuar utk IA
I wonder klo ade soklan bocor
alangkah indahnya idup ini
meh jumpa bomoh2 predict soklan!!
haha.. nak jumpe kene ade pengeras!
buku past year+1 kotak hijau!!
ko la bomoh berdedikasi tu ye paden??haha
bole tahan gak bomoh moden ni
aku bg kemenyan je la instead of kotak hikmat wrna hijau tu hoho
IA kuar sokln la..haha...
bljr je..
leh jwb alhmdulillah..
Allah taala suke org yg berusaha nih..:D
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