
Let see whether you have enough courage to say NO in these mere conditions...
- Your teacher really want you to participate in the International competition, but you are about to have a very important examination, that will determine your own future. Thus, you dont want to let your teacher leaves in dissapointment , but you know if your participate the competition, you can hardly manage to cope with your study..then your future is torn apart.
- In a society, they put all the words of agreement to vote you as a leader of the society. But if there's a chance, you likely dont want to receive that such acknowledgment because you know that you dont really have capability to lead people. Contradictively, you dont want let them down after they put trust on you.
- You have 2 closest friends, which is each of them have different personalities. One fine day, both of them are asking you to accompany to go for shopping. The probs is, each of them is heading different mall. Times Square and Mid valley. You would like to go to Times Square but what will you say to one that heads to Mid Valley?
- Someone is giving you sum of money, in mind as bribe. But he just want you to help him with the signature to make sure that his action will be proven legal. You know that bribing or corruption is very incomprehensive. In fact, he just want a single signature, and you will be given money as a reward.
- You are very tired after a long whole day of working. And then your phone is ringing. Your friend want you to help him with his brokendown car. In reality, you are not so close with him and he should have other friend to come help him out. You are quite mad upon his action of taking opportunity on you.
- The next day, some crowded of people are backstabbing you without noticing they are talking behind you. They are accusing you of your irresponsibility action. But you know that you are innocent and want to seek the truth. will you stand forth to defend yourself?
Dont let everything burden on you and never take things for granted. So, learn to say NO..
p/s= It's indeed very hard to say NO. If only you can imagine in a very harsh condition. Let us try to put aside other heart. Think about yours first. Be wise too ^___^
kalau aku,aku ckp no kt semua 2.
xda la susah sgt nk ckp no.hehe
i'm so ignorant kn.
yo yo o je ko boleh
tp xmustahil jgak klo ko boleh
ko bkn stkat ignorant je klo cmtu, malahn sgt elegant kot hoho
i take that as a compliment then
ok2 la wut
compliment yg xbegitu memberangsangkan dr sy huhuh
jehan!!!!wut a great things u wrote meyn...i'm impress!!!thanx 4 the thoughts coz u opened my mind..susaa kn nk puaskn hati sume org...hehe..
ak x igt ak pnah cite ngn ko ke x..but then ak pnah de ambition yg sme ngn anda tym skola dulu...ambition yg pnah ko ltk kt shotout fs one day tu..which is nk bwat everybody around us hepy kn???hmm,i once got the same niat..tp, its really hurt meyn when u r trying sooooo hard to understand them...n u r doing ur best..but u've got NOTHING pown as a return...bkn nk gift or duit or wutsoever kebendaan...a simple n sincere 'tenkiu' is enough 4 me...n tenkiu tu bkn juz leyh express ngn word kn???sumtimes ppl dun hv 2 tell us yg drg appreciate kite ntok kite tau kte dhargai...
aku pernah rse PENAT sbb try nk jage hati sume org..tp org x pnah try nk jage ati aku..wahaha..cm poyo..tp, its true kan???
dats why sumtymes rse org cm try 2 use us n kebaikan kte instead of btol2 nk kwn...
hmmm,its ok jehan..i'm on ur side my fren..hehe..pjg nye ak type comment..syok sdr laa tuh..haha
oopsss..one thing lg..ni bkn ntok sume situation yg kt blog anda tu..general sje...4 me kan,x leyh gak asek nk ckp sume NO kt org..sbb nnti klau silap lgkah,leyh jd selfish...klau org tu baik n ikhlas pe salahnye..sbb sumtymes...bile mse kite susah,de mse kite xleyh bgn sdr..we need helps from ppl around us which is frens..n klau kite x pnah tolong org..rse2nye org nk tolong kite x??ahaha..jehan2...sory laa byk btol ak membebel...sumpah syok sdr..ak pown konpius ni comment ke post aku..ahaha..sory ea..klau rse menyemak sgt,ko delete je laa lps bce ea..heee=p
it's ur word sis..u can do wtever..no one will stop u k,be proud of ur words k
erm btol2 jelo.dlm dunia ni tlalu myk yg perlu kite lepaskn utk mendptkn sesuatu, dan telalu skit dan berat kite nk dptkan sesuatu utk lepaskn byk perkara
tp di situlah konsep give n take bersemadi..bg bermcm2 kes
aritu ade 1rncgn tv ni kan, lupe tjuk die kata...
"jika kau mahu ke depan dan berjaya, belajarlah utk tindas org2 yg menghalang perjalanan kau"
aku agk tekkejut ngn quote org tu..tp ble pk2 balik..ade kebenaran yg terselinap di sebalik itu kn?cme kite shj yg xmo terima kebenaran itu hoho
well dlm berkwan, jgnla kite mgharap apa2 pon..even ucpn trima ksih pn xperlu.ikhlas.that;s the word.tp cukupla sekadar suatu hari nnt..10-20-30thun akan dtg..bler kite bselisih ngn kwn2 kite..or kite terdgr die berbisik ngn seorg kwn die
"oh itulah kawan aku"
utk suda cukup utk mmbuatkan hari2mu menjadi lebey ceria =)
to jelo
addition skit hehe
klo kite ada perasaan utk menjaga ati org2 lain kn, sbnrnye itu suatu anugerah dr Allah..yg xsume org akan dpt.so hargailah ia sebaik mgkin..gunakan ia sebijak mgkin..ok =)
heeee..tu laaa..terlalu mengharap bleyh wat kite depressed kan??espc ble kite x dpt mcm ape yg kite nak...so,the bez thing juz wat TERBAIK yg kite leyh bwat..hasil tu bkn perkara pokok..coz sumtymes ALLAH bukan xnk kasik rezeki berpadanan dgn usaha kite...cume sumtymes ALLAH TAHAN kejap je...nk tgk n uji sejauh mne kesabaran kte..dan ble kite lepas sume ujian tuh..scr x lgsg kite akan dpt sume yg kite nak..it was lyke the nature yg help kite..
eyh,jap..ko pnah bce THE ALCHEMIST by paulo coelho kan???igt x dy ckp..."when u really2 want something..all the universe will conspire ntok help u achieve dat thing"..at first, ak ske je ayat tu n cam rse bez..BUT NOW..aku rse daa terpercaya ngn kate2 tuh..coz its true actually as long as ko x salah gune n x salah konsep..sbb bile ko terlalu mencarik kebenaran..sumtymes ko akan rse terduduk...sbb sbenanye bile ko cube pegi terlampau jauh...ko terpakse balek ke fitrah kejadian manusia biasa n betapa ALLAH itu laa yg MAHA BERKUASA menentukn sgla sesuatu..huhu
heeee..its true sbenanye..bout emotion tuh...sbb for aku if u r already know emotion tu bg efek besar kt kite..so,mnde tu leyh jd dua..either our STRENGTH or KELEMAHAN kite..so,kne la pepandai control NIKMAT ALLAH ni..heee
btw kan,ak daa jwb why ak delete post2 emo ak b4 dis kt my blog nye comment..jwpn dy ntok ko SPECIAL skeyt..haha..xleyh sme ngan org len..gi laa cek2 rok2 kt my page..haha =p
erm btol2 fully agreed jelo
Dia tahan tidak bermakna Dia tidak sayang.maslahnye mnusia zmn skrg ni suda2 pndai mencabar2 kekuasaaan-Nya. jika berdoa2 tapi tidak dikabulkan, jgnla fikir Dia tidak sayang..kasih sayang-Nya itu tidak mampu dicapai akal mnusia biasa..
erm aku xpnh bce bku Alchemist tu..tp cm da bese skit la dgr quote org putih wt cmtu..sje nk mengaburi pndagan mata umat Islam.sbnarnye ada satu quote lg yg agak hebat diperkatakan..
"if u got something, u'll lose something"
so agak bertepatan jga dgn konsep imperfect..kite xkan perfect..bile kter nk sesuatu..kita akan hilang sesuatu..jus wait n seee...
emosi tu kdg2 bgus..tp kne kawal la.mane ada mnusia yg xde emosi kn hehe.but emosi also can cause trouble gak kn..erm..tp msih memerlukan emosi dlm apa jua keadaan..di mana jika tiada emosi itu, tidak layak seserog mnusia itu hidup bertangguk ats bumi ini...tiada perasaan marah, suka, geram, tensen, takut dan segalanay2 kn
i've already read ur reply post. hehe btol2 aku agree je ngn ko jelo.kite double J =) hehe
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